Thursday 16 August 2018

Health in Your 30s

Yes. Next month I turn thirty and kiss goodbye to my twenties. Last year the thought of this terrified me but after going through one of the hardest year's of my life - I'm happy to say goodbye and say hello to a brand new decade. You definitely won't find me doing a Rachel on my thirtieth (is this anyone else's favourite episode?).

Thirty is a landmark for many but comes with so many negative connotations.  Youth gone. End of wrinkle-free skin and of course the pressure to be 'where you think you should be' at the age of 30 really starts to kick in. I think for, me, I pretty much have it together when it comes to ticking all the boxes. However I really want to improve my health, especially now I am turning 30.

How does your body change through your 30s?

The key here is that all women are different. Some have experienced motherhood in their 20s and others may be about to start this adventure. Many women begin to gain a few pounds in their 30s due to their metabolism slowing down. For me, since having children this has been something I have really struggled with. It's important to have an exercise program and that doesn't mean to need to get yourself a gym membership. Making sure you even schedule walking or jogging into your weekly routine can really help keep yourself fit and keep those pounds off. Of course, it's important to eat a well-balanced diet also.

Your skin can appear a little dull and you may start developing find wrinkles into your 30's. This is because new skin cells don't form as quickly as they used to and is a natural process of ageing. Making sure you have a skin care routine which most suits your skin type is more important than ever. It's time to put the baby wipe down and really take care of that beautiful face of yours.

Stress can be a factor when trying to juggle career, family life and other responsibilities. We all know the impact stress can have on your health/body so it's important to take care of this also by giving yourself "you" time. Be it yoga, gym class, reading - keep on top of your mental health.

What should you be doing to take care of your health?

Making sure you're in good health, it's important to make sure that you attend GP appointments and health screenings. Whilst in your 30s you're not as at risk to certain health conditions (age 40+ you can attend an NHS health check which is a check-up for adults in England aged 40-74. It's designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia) you're also not immune to them. You should be attending/doing the following;

Smear tests - If you are over the age of 25, you will most likely have been invited to take a cervical screening test, otherwise known as the smear test, already. These tests are carried out to determine whether any abnormal cells are present in a woman’s cervix and are hugely important. Smear tests are quick and pain-free, using only a small brush to remove cells from the neck of the cervix, which is then examined to detect any changes. If irregular cells are left untreated or ignored, they could potentially develop into cervical cancer. Still, many women are avoiding this appointment when they really can save your life!

Sexual health - 30s are often said to be the years when women become more confident in the bedroom. Gone are the awkward moments in your early 20s and now you're in your "prime". Having said that stress, body-image issues or lack of sleep can all affect your sex drive. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or enjoying the single life your sexual health is just as important as it was in your younger years. Of course, for many, the thought of this still causes embarrassment. But with the magic of online you can find an abundance of information on sexual health and also buy STI testing kits from Online Doctor Lloyds Pharmacy giving you a safe and convenient way to get tested. Just as with the smear test, it's really not worth leaving it to chance. With recent reports of a rise in some STIs it’s important to be tested for anyone who is sexually active. It should really be no different to visiting the dentist or the doctor.

Blood pressure checks - many women who are on contraception will have this done regularly. If you don't regularly have your blood pressure checked its worth attended your local pharmacy or gym that offer "wellness kiosks", which are machines where you can check your weight and blood pressure, and answer questions about your family history and lifestyle. Your results will give you an indication of how healthy you are for your age, which you can then follow up with a GP should you have any concerns. If you need a professional health checkup you can consider the option of Concierge Medicine in Santa Barbara as a way of managing your health, including blood pressure checks. Concierge medicine, also known as boutique or personalized medicine, offers a unique approach to healthcare that focuses on providing more individualized attention and comprehensive care to patients.

Check your breasts -Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, so it’s important to look after your breasts by checking them regularly. Getting to know how your breasts look and feel will help you know what is normal for you. You will then be more confident about noticing any unusual changes that might be a symptom of breast cancer and reporting them to your GP.

Eye testing - Should be carried out every two years and it's worth remembering your eyesight can deteriorate at any age. Obviously, if you notice any changes in your site, you can contact your optician earlier.

Dental care- Dental appointments should be carried out every 12-24 months. Regularly cleaning and flossing should also be maintained. 

So turning 30 pretty much sounds like my 20s anyway. Nothing to worry about, hey?

I would love to hear how you felt about turning 30 or if you're turning 30 soon like me? Hated the thought of being 30? Or embraced the 30, flirty and thriving theory?

K Elizabeth xoxox

health in your 30s

*Collaborative Post


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