Tuesday 22 February 2022

Dramatically Influencing the Feel of a Small Home

Pixabay CC0 License

If you’ve ever taken the time to page through an interior design magazine, there’s a good chance that you’ve noticed most of the homes on display have been pretty huge and spacious.

It’s one thing to figure out how to shape the feel and atmosphere of a penthouse apartment, or a countryside mansion, but what about small homes such as single-room accomodations for students, or small apartments?
In some ways, influencing the feel of a small home may be easier than influencing the feel of a larger one, as there is less space to focus on and work with. On the other hand, it can be harder — as there’s less opportunity for filling the space with furniture, and letting the layout of the space itself influence things.

Here are a few tips for dramatically influencing the feel of a small home.

Utilise the power of clean and empty space

One of the biggest potential hazards in a small living space — particularly when it comes to the mood and atmosphere of that living space — is the accumulation of clutter.

When you have less space to work with, it’s always going to be more difficult to store your belongings, and to do so in a way that keeps things looking clean, tidy and well-organised.

Practicing a bit of minimalism and investing in good storage solutions can be imperative when it comes to keeping the place feeling its best.

Simply utilising the power of clean and empty space can help to add a much more tranquil quality to the home, while also making it feel significantly larger than it otherwise would. It can even help you to be more focused and productive when working from home.

A few posters and art prints can go a very long way

Posters and art prints are some of the most potentially visually striking decorations that you can add to any home — and they can transform the look and feel of a place quickly and easily.

Today, there are many different poster and art print types available, with companies such as Displate allowing for easy mounting of visually appealing posters, with minimal risk to walls. Perfect for rental properties.

Carefully selecting just a couple of visually striking posters can help to establish an overall aesthetic feel within a room. Bright airy pictures of beach scenes, for example, or posters of quaint village streets in rural Italy.

Pay proper attention to good lighting

The way that you illuminate a small living space can make all the difference in the world — with bright lighting helping to make the place feel vibrant and alive, and warm and subdued lighting (perfect for evenings) helping to create a calm and restful atmosphere.

Selecting some good lamps, and being mindful about the bulbs you fit in your overhead lighting system — and for that matter, thinking about how good the natural light is in the property before moving into it — can all make a “night and day” difference.

Avoid illuminating your living space in a way that feels either dreary and morbid on the one hand, or cold and clinical on the other hand.

K Elizabeth xoxox

*Collaborative Post

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